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JOHN by Cynthia Lennon

Lucilla Giagnoni
With: Lucilla Giagnoni (actress)
Adapted by Paul Bignamini
Directed by Emilio Sioli
Music by Lennon & McCartney and John Lennon
The Beatles’ success hardly conciliates with the desire for a quiet family life.
John Lennon’s first wife Cynthia, who shares with her husband maybe the most brilliant period of his musical career, tells this struggle.
His youth in Liverpool, the almost unexpected fame of The Beatles, the sudden pregnancy, their life that quickly changed, the comforts but also the pain of betrayal with Yoko Ono, the separation and the difficult life after her divorce from Lennon, are the main contents of this reading.
The recorded echoes of “outtakes” music will accompany Lucilla Giannoni, adding emotion to the reading.
2014 Productions
- ⇒ Ridi Buster, Ridi
- ⇒ Il Sorpasso in Jazz – Tribute to Dino Risi
- ⇒ John di Cynthia Lennon
- ⇒ To be or not to Bop – Tribute to Dizzie Gillespie
- ⇒ 400 Blow – Tribute to Truffaut
- ⇒ Pierino e il Luuupo
- ⇒ Europart Quartet
- ⇒ Buds Quartet
- ⇒ Oldies But Goldies
- ⇒ A Bisanzio
- ⇒ Chet Baker
- ⇒ Drummers Battle
- ⇒ Macca
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